Not so long ago, there was a time, that shall remain nameless, but we all witnessed the challenges of having the option of socializing suddenly taken away. So, maybe now more than ever community events matter and are needed. One of the best ways for Boards and Managers to help Residents feel connected to their community is by hosting events.
In some Condominiums, events are overseen by a Social Committee that ultimately reports to the Board. Social Events are great for the overall health and well-being of the community. Residents get to meet each other and get to know their Board Members too. Well-planned and well-executed community events can bring communities together and make them thrive.
Not so long ago, there was a time, that shall remain nameless, but we all witnessed the challenges of having the option of socializing suddenly taken away. So, maybe now more than ever community events matter and are needed. One of the best ways for Boards and Managers to help Residents feel connected to their community is by hosting events.
In some Condominiums, events are overseen by a Social Committee that ultimately reports to the Board. Social Events are great for the overall health and well-being of the community. Residents get to meet each other and get to know their Board Members too. Well-planned and well-executed community events can bring communities together and make them thrive.
Community social events have many benefits, such as helping Residents feel safer because they recognize welcoming faces around the property. The Board and Management will also notice that neighbours are more inclined to respect each other better when they meet in a friendly environment. After all, it’s a bit harder to disrespect your neighbours when you know them. In the end, social events are just plain good for morale.
Here are some types of events that Condominiums could consider hosting in a year…
- Earth Day Events – neighbouring buildings could do this together!
- Barbeques
- Potluck events
- Fundraiser/Charity Events – proceeds can be donated to a local charity
- Canada Day Events (maybe by the pool)
- Yard Sales (more common with Townhouse Condominiums)
- Barbeque (early autumn)
- Halloween events for the kids
- Wine & Cheese events, coffee time
- Fundraiser/Charity Events – proceeds can be donated to a local charity
- Holiday/Christmas events – maybe even a dance
- Movie nights
- A New Years event
At budget time, the Board should consider what events they or the Social Committee may want to host in the year. There are some ways to cut costs for hosting events, such as selling tickets to some of the events.
Community events are not an obligation of a corporation, but Condominiums are more than just structures and landscaping. They are about the people who call them home. A community that can have fun together is always going to be a happier place to live. So, our suggestion for a unified community is to consider planning some entertaining events that your Residents may boast about to their friends and family. Make your community the place where everyone wants to live, and you will also see improved resale values too!
“Community events are the heartbeat of condo living, transforming neighbours into friends and buildings into vibrant homes. By fostering connections through shared experiences, we cultivate a sense of belonging and unity that enhances the quality of life for everyone. When we gather, celebrate, and support one another, we build not just a community, but a place where people truly thrive.“