Tenant Agreement

The Residential Tenancies Act, 2008 requires this form to be used for all new tenancies after April 30, 2018. The tenancy Act is governed by the Ontario Residential Tenancies Act, the Condominium Act, and the Declaration, Bylaws and rules of the condominium corporation.


Related Resources

Rules, Regulations & Renovations

If you have never lived in a Condominium before, the Declaration, By-laws, Rules & Regulations can take some getting used to. Specifically, the legalese language can make them a little challenging to read. At GPM we always encourage Owners to feel safe to clarify with their Condominium Manager.

Reserve Fund & the Reserve Fund Study explained

Download   One of a Condo Board’s most significant responsibilities is to oversee the current and projected financial health of the Condominium Corporation. They often do this in partnership with a Condominium Manager and Condominium Management Company. This is...